Welcome to the lost place! If you have no clue who you are or what you want, you’re not the only one!

Let’s start by introducing myself; i’m NoOne, no job, no clue, no life, no passion! The reason i started this blog is still unknown…or maybe not.

I’m looking for a way to expres myself, to let it all out without putting a face on it, and i know many of you are in the same place as me, happy outside, lost and sad inside right?

  • We are just getting started!

    12 July 2019 by

    Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. Oh man…shit’s about to get real. Oookay, let’s go! I’m not gonna be a perfect blogger, no one is. English is not my first language so if you come across misspell words, forgive me! Who are we? That’s the question me and probably most of… Read more

  • Childhood, oh sweet childhood. Me between 3-13. Part 1.

    12 July 2019 by

    I started with 3 cause that’s as far as i can go and remember anything. Let’s beggin with my parents, actually just one can be called a parent, my mom. The man who is called my dad, let’s call him the sperm donnor. Sounds better! Their love story started with a death. Yeap, that’s right.… Read more

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